

 Mental fitness tools that will improve your sport and life.

1-2 Punch

One Concept

Two Applications - Sport and Life

Two Components:

The Daily Chart

The Book

Spend 5 seconds every day to connect your mindset strategies with your actions.

Athletic Mind: Mental Fitness Tools for Life and Sport

This book will be available on Amazon on February, 2025

Mindset Tools

  • Sports Psychology
  • Warrior Mindset
  • Cognitive/Behavioral - DBT
  • Mindfulness 

Learn and Practice... 

The BIG 3 Concepts:

1. Access Your Wise Mind

2. Be Present in the Moment

3. Do Misogi - difficult things that are good for you.


Meet Paul Sweetow

Paul Sweetow has spent over 33 years in the helping profession as a psychotherapist. He received his masters degree in social work from The University of Chicago.

He is a 6th degree black belt in karate.  He also holds black belts in Tae Kwon Do, Iaido (sword) and Kobudo (Okinawan weapons).

Paul is the author of 12 books: Student Life Skills, HERO, CLASS, The Socratic Parent, The Heroic Adventures of Miles and Maria Books 1-8. 

His upcoming book, Athletic Mind will be published in February 2025.

Paul provides works with athletes and blends high performance in sport and psychotherapy for all ages using cognitive/behavioral therapy, DBT, positive psychology, and blends in the warrior mindset.


As a competitive karate athlete, Paul has won:

AAU National Champion  - Kata - 2013, 14,15,16,17,18,19,22, 23,24

USANKF National Champion - Kata - Gold - 2015

WUKF World Championship - Kata - Bronze - 2022

WKC World Championship - Kata - Gold - 2015

** I'm certainly grateful for the moments on the podium and although I compete as an individual, I've had many coaches, trainers and support along the way.    What's not listed here are all my loses, and there have been plenty.  When I hit obstacles and make mistakes, I remind myself to keep coming back to practice the lessons from the Warrior Mindset - Fall Down 7 Get Up 8. 

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